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Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th

Tarot-Scopes is a merge between astrology and tarot reading. Joan Zodianz utilizes both to provide a more in-depth reading of this week's energies for every zodiac sign. To see the monthly overview, click here.

Tarot cards will serve as a general guidance for this week. Take any cards you perceive “negative” as warnings and use it to your advantage. Meaning, you have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome. have the opportunity to accept and change your outcome.

Joan ZodianzAuthor Bio: Joan Zodianz is a natural astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic medium of 16 years. She communicates with higher spirits such as Archangels, angels, and spirit guides. She offers psychic readings, astrological advice, natal chart readings and tarot readings. Visit:


ARIES Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Emperor: This card is associated with Aries in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Ace of Pentacles (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) sits on top of The Emperor (Aries). Next to it sits the Knight of Chalices (Aquarius/Pisces). This week is about exploring a new meaning behind your career and discovering the “why” behind it.

This week is about exploring a new meaning behind your career and discovering the “why” behind it.

The Ace of Pentacles compliments your desires for wealth and success, and the Knight of Chalices supports your need to go with whatever makes you most passionate.

Routine is difficult for a restless Aries. This sign requires a lot of excitement and movement, or else they start to feel stagnant in life – even if they’re not. This week may be a good week to explore better options or even start a new side hustle. If you’ve been procrastinating on that innovative idea, then maybe you need to revisit it.

Or if that’s not possible, then you may want to find a deeper meaning behind what you do. Sometimes an Aries can forget or take for granted why they work so hard. Take a look around and soak in the emotional meaning behind your efforts.

Arians are masters at looking and progressing forward, so make sure you don’t get too frustrated with the tedious tasks you partake in. Look past the horizon and remember that you’re doing this for something or someone(s).

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 TAURUS Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Hierophant: This card is associated with Taurus in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 5 of Swords (Aquarius) sits on top of The Hierophant (Taurus). Next to it sits the 9 of Pentacles (Virgo). This week will be intense. You’ll be playing offense, so you’re advised to be strategic.

This week will be intense. You’ll be playing offense, so you’re advised to be strategic.

The 5 of Swords warns against mental blockages (mind over matter), and the 9 of Pentacles is there to motivate your materialistic desires.

Your perseverance will be challenged by a higher power, so if you’ve been thinking of how to get ahead in life, then you might want to consider a new strategy. If you’ve been feeling motionless, then the path you’re on might not be it, so take this time to reflect.

How dedicated are you to your career? As sturdy as Taureans can be, they can get too comfortable in routine and miss opportunities that will get them further faster. Or they can stay too long at a job they hate because of comfort.

Taureans also have the habit of grazing too long in their thoughts which leads to procrastination. However, they are masters of accumulation and wealth. So if you need to get motivated, then it may be best to think of all things you can accumulate. Get that booty moving and strategize and refine your desires.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 GEMINI Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Lovers: This card is associated with Gemini in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The King of Pentacles (Aries/Taurus) sits on top of The Lovers (Gemini). Next to it sits the 9 of Chalices reversed (Pisces). This week you will be in complete control of your success, but feel emotionally drained.

This week you will be in complete control of your success, but feel emotionally drained.

The King of Pentacles compliments you, it tells you that you’re in control of your foundation right now. However, the 9 of Chalices in reversed warns that you’ll feel emotionally drained.

If you’re diving deep in your career, business, or education then take this time to enjoy your success and achievements. However, you may be feeling lonely or start to feel an emotional void. This can be tough for a Gemini. Where one twin wants complete solitude, the other twin will start to yearn for companionship.

Gemini’s need for independence and freedom gives them wings to soar, but they also require a partner whom they can take flight with. Someone who understands them mentally and emotionally. But if that is not the case for you or if you’re not feeling lovey dovey, then be warned that the multitude of responsibility can drain you dry this week.

You are advised not to make irrational or brash decisions. Continue focusing on your foundation. If you start to feel drained or lonely, then take this time to remember what you love most about yourself. When you boost your confidence, you will start to attract the right energy/person/people.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

  CANCER Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


VII Chariot: This card is associated with Cancer in tarot.

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Ace of Swords (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) sits on top of The Chariot (Cancer). Next to it sits The Hierophant (Taurus). This week you will enter in a new phase of thoughtfulness, spirituality and intuition.

This week you will enter in a new phase of thoughtfulness, spirituality and intuition.

The Ace of Swords compliments you this week, telling you that a situation will require you to see the light. The Hierophant encourages this and lifts you to a higher perspective on life.

Cancerians are always looking to evolve and expand themselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It helps them stay in tune with themselves and with others. But if you’re not doing it, then you’re advised to do so.

A situation could be taking a toll on you, but the energies of the universe are with you this week. Take this time to fill yourself with positivity and higher learning. Most Cancerians have the bad habit of dwelling on the negative or becoming too reactive. Try to see the good in the situation you’re in right now, even if it feels like the worst possible scenario.

You have the chance to change your outcome, but first reflect and set the intent. What do you want out of life this week? How do you want to start it off and how do you want to end it? Once you do that, then you will find it going your way, but it starts with your own perspective.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 LEO Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Strength: This card is associated with Leo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 4 of Chalices (Cancer) sits on top of Strength (Leo). Next to it sits The Stars reversed (Aquarius). Suppressed emotions will challenge your path and try to take over you this week.

Suppressed emotions will challenge your path and try to take over you this week.

The 4 of Chalices warns you of negative emotions and even self-pitying behavior. The Stars in reversed adds to the pressure of your journey. It’s not the time to second guess yourself.

Leos are driven and ambitious individuals, but this also can weigh on them emotionally. Frustration will build up because things may not be going as fast as you’d like. Take a deep breath and relieve yourself of the anxiety for a second.

Even though the cards seem like they’re against you, it doesn’t mean you should give up and become someone else’s prey. You’re a fighter, so fight. Perhaps that what you need to hear right now, so motivate your inner desires.

If you’re too impatient then learn to accept that you can’t always control the speed of your destiny/fate. The road will be tough and you might have lost your way, but don’t have too much pride in asking someone for help. You may find that their advice will set you back on the right path.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 VIRGO Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Hermit: This card is associated with Virgo in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Knight of Chalices (Aquarius/Pisces) sits on top of The Hermit (Virgo). Next to it sits the Knight of Swords (Taurus/Gemini). This week you will challenged to choose between two situations or even two people.

This week you will challenged to choose between two situations or even two people.

The Knight of Chalices vs. the Knight of Swords. Chalices is your mental and emotional desires, and Swords is your rational and logical desires. Or it’s two people who are vying for your attention.

Virgos are intelligent individuals who base their actions on logic, but this week you may be asked to make an emotional decision. Which one will it be? This may cause you to not act on either one of them, but can you afford to do that?

If you can afford to go with the one that drives your inner passions or desires, then go with it. But if you can’t afford to progress without any financial loss, then choose the rational decision. After all, it’s still your birthday season, so maybe you’re choosing between two venues.

However, if you are choosing between two people, then you may be faced with one who drives your inner passions, while the other one gives you stability and comfort. Do you think it’s best to choose either one of them? Maybe you can find one person who can do both.  

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 LIBRA Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Justice: This card is associated with Libra in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Sun (Sun) sits on top of Justice (Libra). Next to it sits the Knave of Pentacles reversed (earth). The Libra Sun will take over this week, but your finances may not be where it’s at.

The Libra Sun will take over this week, but your finances may not be where it’s at.

The Sun compliments your sign because it kicks of the Libra season, so happy early birthday! However, the Knave of Pentacles warns you about any financial matters this week.

Librans love to celebrate in style and you have every right to look forward to any birthday celebrations, but make you take care of any financial obligations before you do so. You don’t want to drain your pockets or bleed yourself dry.

However, if you aren’t in the land of financial success and investments, then try to save up as much as you can. This week also warns you of any surprise financial obligations, so make sure you stay on top of any bills that you may have forgotten.

If you’re looking to start any new projects or investments of any kind, then expect some delays. This may be a slower week than usual, so maybe it’s best to wait for another week. Until then, just try to enjoy the start of your season.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 SCORPIO Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Death: This card is associated with Scorpio in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 6 of Chalices (Scorpio) sits on top of Death (Scorpio). Next to it sits Temperance reversed (Sagittarius). This week you will want to fish out your desires/rewards, but you may not find what you’re looking for.

This week you will want to fish out your desires/rewards, but you may not find what you’re looking for.

The 6 of Chalices compliments you, as you are yearning to find a deeper meaning in life. However, Temperance warns that you may not get what you want.

Scorpios are the sign of desires and they have an eagle eye for getting what they want. However, this week the universe may not want to give it to you. You might just have to accept that. If it’s not giving you balance in life, then you may want to set it back into the ocean.

It is heavily advised that you reserve your energy. If you start to feel intensity or aggression, or unfairness in life, then just remember that fishing requires a lot of patience. A lot. So even if you don’t catch the right fish, then you can keep fishing.

Keep working on your success and desires, and you will find that rewards will come to you. You don’t always have to go looking for it, and accept that it will come unexpectedly.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

  SAGITTARIUS Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


Temperance: This card is associated with Sagittarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Hierophant (Taurus) sits on top of Temperance (Sagittarius). Next to it sits the 10 of Chalices reversed (Pisces). This week you be tested on your higher thoughts, and you may feel emotionally incomplete.

This week you be tested on your higher thoughts, and you may feel emotionally incomplete.

The Hierophant compliments you, as it calls for your better judgement and higher thought process. However, the 10 of Chalices warns that you will feel emotionally unfulfilled.

Sagittarians are always looking to cross a new horizon or expand themselves through action and thought process, so take this time to do it. You may start to feel restless or unable to continue, or even ask yourself what the whole point is. But persevere and push out the negativity.

Sagittarians also have the bad habit of procrastinating and will get irritated by the mundane. They seem to hate responsibility in general. This may not be the week to fall on bad habits. The universe is asking you to complete the tasks at hand, so do it and then reward yourself with play time.

TRemember the final outcome because at the end of the day, you want what everyone wants: stability and success. Look to your higher spirits for guidance and help. Get into your zen zone and get er’ done.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

  CAPRICORN Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Devil: This card is associated with Capricorn in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The Ace of Pentacles (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) sits on top of The Devil (Capricorn). Next to it sits the 4 of Swords reversed (Libra). This week you will find it hard to relax as you will take on a new adventure.

This week you will find it hard to relax as you will take on a new adventure.

The Ace of Pentacles compliments you as it foretells of a new passion starting this week. The 4 of Swords reversed warns against mental breakdowns, so try to relax.

Capricorns are always looking to build upwards and onwards. Whether it’s with a new person, career, or just life in general, your energies will be on the rise. You may find a whole new passion to focus on, which will drive your inner desires and motivate your aggressive side.

Be warned, all this new energy can make you overwork yourself and you could burn yourself out before you even get started. Take this time to take a step back and work out the details in your life. Take it one step at a time and don’t get overwhelmed.

If you’re just feeling too good to relax because you’re too excited, then go with whatever makes you feel happiest. But you’ve been warned. Take some time to meditate and make sure you get some good rest. You’ve been urged not to go too far without putting your feet up.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

  AQUARIUS Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Stars: This card is associated with Aquarius in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 8 of Wands (Sagittarius) sits on top of The Stars (Aquarius). Next to it sits Strength reversed (Leo). This week you may let your guard down and your peaceful nest will be shaking.

This week you may let your guard down and your peaceful nest will be shaking.

The 8 of Wands compliments you, as it represents the comfort and peace of home and all that you’ve built. However, Strength in reverse warns you to be on guard.

As openminded as an Aquarius is, it can be very difficult for them to change the comforts and routine of their own lives. They are good at flexibility only if it’s based on logic. This week, the universe may test your inner strengths.

You will be reminded of things that you’ve been suppressing, or there may be a situation that calls you to leave your nest. The decision you make will be on you. So ask yourself if it’s worth leaving or staying in your comfort zone?

Just because the Strength card is in reverse doesn’t mean you’ll make a bad decision. In fact, it urges you to make a decision that requires you to challenge your strengths. Get out there and make a change, either for yourself or your family, or even a lover.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.

 PISCES Zodiac Tarot-Scopes September 18th - 24th


The Moon: This card is associated with Pisces in tarot. 

Here are your tarot cards for the week:

The 3 of Wands (Aries) sits on top of The Moon (Pisces). Next to it sits The Sun reversed (Sun). This week your faith and confidence will be challenged as you progress forward.

This week your faith and confidence will be challenged as you progress forward.

The 3 of Wands compliments you, stating that you are motivated forward by your inner desires and passion. However, the Sun reversed warns that you may second guess yourself.

Pisceans are wanderers by nature, they flow this way and that way. They are always searching for depth and more meaning in all that they do. They require a lot of emotional reassurance and emotional stability. This can work against them though because they tend to second guess their actions.

This week may question your decisions, but progress forward knowing that you are on the right path. Don’t look back with regrets or any guilt. If you’ve left someone or something behind, it may not be time to take it/them back.

The universe is asking you to reflect on what makes you, you. It is heavily advised that you don’t try to turn back the hands of time. Take heed and push forward.

For a personal reading with Joan Zodianz, click here.
To shop Tarot Cards, click here.